file it under: “pretty damned cool”
a responsive light wall that ‘reflects’ what you’re wearing by changing colors. not only is this fun, but the ambient lighting is beautiful on its own.
file it under: “things i want”
the mio a701 quad-band phone is now a most coveted possession for me. why is there still no ‘official’ website for this baby?
a ‘skyn’ for my lappy, hell any lappy, would be the bees knees.
a purse with interior led lighting.
file it under: “things i don’t understand but probably should”
ruby on rails
ajaxx <-- poorly-researched link
although not nearly as sexy (or expensive) as philip’s tv mirror*, hasbro’s child-friendly projector seems like i’d be super fun at parties. hoop it up to a vodafone wireless router, add a roaming digital camera and your party is on fire.
*”… mirror tv in essence is an lcd display integrated into a mirror, which means that you could surf tv channels, the internet or even view your blood pressure while brushing your teeth or styling you hair, or just admire your reflection…”
google is forced to break down the search engine process cause some kids are poopy about the results of queries like “utter miserable failure” (my words *cough*).
world jump day: what ever happened to the “global pencil drop” day i remember hearing about in high school? btw, i signed up. :: sigh ::
i love stuff like this. a web-based pellet gun aimed at a lappy. brilliant. i love the direction this is headed in. no, seriously. i do. i’m not kidding.
global warming hits the forum of what i most appreciate about this is the feedback/comments. and there are a few good comments. one citing this article, and another, this one.
“…they believe global warming is melting arctic ice so rapidly that the region is beginning to absorb more heat from the sun, causing the ice to melt still further and so reinforcing a vicious cycle of melting and heating…the greatest fear is that the arctic has reached a "tipping point" beyond which nothing can reverse the continual loss of sea ice and with it the massive land glaciers of greenland, which will raise sea levels dramatically…”
i put super lappy up on ebay just to see what happens. i’m ideally gunning for a powerbook. if it sells, it sells. it’s only $5 to post.
i’ve added the complete calvin and hobbes to my wish list. in doing so, i came across hamster huey and the gooey cablooie. i had no clue this was a real book. added that one too then.
for completeness, all of the original "calvin and hobbes" collections released in the
1. 'calvin and hobbes'
2. 'something under the bed is drooling'
3. 'yukon ho!'
4. 'weirdos from another planet!'
5. 'the revenge of the baby-sat'
6. 'scientific progress goes 'boink': a calvin and hobbes collection'
7. 'attack of the deranged mutant killer monster snow goons'
8. 'the days are just packed: a calvin and hobbes collection'
9. 'homicidal psycho jungle cat: a calvin and hobbes collection'
10. 'there's treasure everywhere--a calvin and hobbes collection'
11. 'it's a magical world: a calvin and hobbes collection'
additionally, three paperback books were published in the
1. 'calvin and hobbes thereby hangs a tale' - the very first calvin and hobbes,
2. 'calvin and hobbes one day the wind will change'
3. 'calvin and hobbes in the shadow of the night'
andy should have downloaded this already: the ipod bartender.
i neither follow sports nor office politics nor athletic gear. having said that, these reebok commercials had me in tears. clicking the first link will do just fine if you’re feeling lazy.
microsoft’s gadget site is pretty cool. i think the ui is a bit tame, but hey. i’ve yet to explore the “build your own gadget” link, but it intrigues and scares me all at the same time.
zdnet’s blog touches on the windows 12 (vista/longhorn) interface and all i can say is “oooooo….prety.” yeah, i want it now too. zdnet blog also has a nice piece on the user interface of today’s windows. mad to i love modern art. my last zdnet blog/microsoft cross reference covers geekdom: bill gates v napoleon dynamite.
things i’ll probably want to know how to do some day:
how to assign a domain name to your home web server
how to embed a wifi finder in your backpack strap
the internet chain
don’t know what prompted it, but i was thinking about the other day – remembering how they’d claimed “you know you’ve got something successful when someone does a porn parody” and launched a little contest to see who could come up with what. i’d entered my idea for where you spank bad people/celebrities via flash application. never even got a mention. anyhow, the memory was enough to make me head over and see what those chaps are up to these days.
this surf reminded me of… – the first ‘blog’ i ever remember reading on a regular basis. he’s a designer, so his site’s down quite often for remodeling and such – enough so that i lose touch with it every year or so. once i found an old buddy by way of the random profile link.
this surf reminded me of… – originally a site set up to help local bands fill open spots, it’s not what the url would have you think. my first housemate in san diego turned me on to it and we ended up making pals with the same fella who we’d met through this site, and neither of us knew until it was too funny to giggle about.
this surf reminded me of…
when i used to keep a blog at – my first real effort at blogging regularly. this is where i met esteban, my best pal. in this blog, i wrote such gems as “a wolf in geek’s clothing”and “mirabile’s winkie review,” and captured a sample of the passionate chat of that personal zeitgeist.