New Glasses Require Piercing Bridge of Nose
The. Best. Case. Mod. Ever
Use Trillian Wherever You Go
Hotel TV Hack for Free Movies
How to Silkscreen Posters and Shirts
How to create an Awesome Logo
MySQL Cheat Sheet ( Web Development Cheat Sheets)
CSS3 Preview
Beginning PHP and MySQL 5. |
Research Highlights How Bacteria Produce Energy
Office 2007 Beta 2 Download Now Available
Microsoft Beta Screenshots Galore
Repairing Windows XP in Eight Commands
The Windows XP Command Line, Batch Files, and Scripting
MacBook: What you need to know
Now you can right-click on your 15" MacBookPro without needing to press ctrl. Just click on the trackpad using two fingers, and the context menu will appear.
Complete MacBook Disassembly Instructions
How to replace the Hard Drive and Ram in the Mac Book (Video)
MacWorlds Jason Snell has posted a video that shows how easily you can get in and upgrade the RAM and SATA hard drive in your new MacBook. It’s amazing. After removing just 3 screws you have access to everything. Just slide the drive out and your ready to upgrade.
Mac OS X: What Are All Those Processes?
See the guy who stole your macbook
Fun Title Award: MacBookPro Burns Women's Leg, AppleCare Suggests "RTFM"
The Big Test - MacBook As A Windows Machine
Donnie Darko director unveils futuristic follow-up in Cannes
The mild-mannered director who brought us the X-Men and The Usual Suspects is on a mission to save Superman from the Hollywood hacks. By Thomas Goetz from Wired magazine.Plus: The Myth of Superman by Neil Gaiman and Adam Rogers.
Million Crystal Body: Swarovski Peep Show
One million Swarovski crystals have been placed on this alluring young model, with enterprising entrepreneurs aiming to sell these pieces of micro-bling one by one, for one euro each. Presented as a strange sort of performance art, as each crystal is sold, these impresarios will remove one from the model, eventually showing her in all her glory without any crystals at all (as if they’re going to make her stand there and wait while they remove each one). That is, if they sell one million of these. So reads the breathless prose of the crystal hucksters:
“Become a part of a world-spanning campaign and watch the uncovering of our model on our website. The more stones are sold, the more will be visible of the Million Crystal Body!”We’re thinking that with all the porn available on the Internet, you can see millions of pictures of babes more beautiful than this for free; why would you want to buy a little piece of glass, keeping it as a some sort of souvenir of a mass disrobing ceremony? It’s not surprising in a world where used panties command a pricey premium. Product Page [Million Crystal Body, via Shiny Shiny]
Mortgage your house, board up the windows - normal life ends once you start playing The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. For a while, anyway.
What do you get when you cross baking, a sense of humour and web fun? Asides from this post you get The basic premise is that you turn your culinary wizardry into something of mammoth proportions (or just plain silly) taking photos of each step as you go along. End results include a mangificent chav gingerbreadman, Pharell'A'Rocher, a Bear potato cake that resembles an Ewok and an enormous Reeses Peanut Butter Cup.
Instant Housing
SoniColumn (image on the left) is a high column-like cylinder that can be played by touch. Grids of LEDs installed inside the column light themselves on by the users’ touch and emit unique sounds. When a user cranks the handle, the column slowly rotates itself and plays the light patterns of the user’s touch.
By Jin-Yo Mok who also designed the Light Bead Curtain and is working on a portable version (image on the right) of his Music Box.
As Apple gets ready to open its newest store in NYC, we've got a few photos to wet your appetite.
Sony Ericsson has finally released the slider form factor handset that we've been anticipating for months. The new W850 uses the new and improved Walkman 2.0 app, and sports a 2 megapixel camera, UMTS connectivity, and stereo Bluetooth.
New Possible SIDS Genes Identified |
from the science dept.
ScienceDaily is reporting that researchers at the Mayo Clinic have identified two more cardiac genes that could contribute to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). From the article: "In the two recent separate studies, researchers examined caveolin-3 (CAV3) and the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2) and found molecular and functional evidence in both to implicate them as SIDS-susceptibility genes. Researchers examined the tissue of 135 unrelated cases of SIDS -- in infants with an average age of 3 months old -- that had been referred to Mayo Clinic's Sudden Death Genomics Laboratory for molecular autopsy. In each study, two of the 135 cases possessed mutations in either CAV3 or RyR2."Read on...
Invisible Pet Fence from Hammacher
Anyone who has dogs and cats for pets know that these animals hardly listen to your instructions and will often wander around the house at their leisure. Traditional methods of preventing unwarranted movement around your house include erecting gates and barriers at strategic places with precious little success. Technology comes to the rescue with the Invisible Indoor Pet Fence. Place this special collar on your mutt's neck and place the supplied transmitters where you don't want your pet to stray. If the pet in question comes within forbidden areas, it will receive a slight electrical shock. Purchase one from Hammacher for $129.95 today. Source...
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