27 January 2006

Google Date - not as exciting as i first though, but still fun.
Stardust Technology: Aerogel

Let the sunshine in, efficiently
Aerogel, a translucent material that insulates well, is being used in glazed facades, skylights and roofing systems.

Cabot Corp.

Click here to read more.

Cnet chimes in on Aerogel and how it can be used for insulation in clothing.

It's hard to wrap your head around at first, but there are a zillion innovations that will be possible now that German scientists have figured out how to make organic LEDs that are transparent.
In a gesture of peace, happiness and love, the UN has decided to back the much-talked-about $100, hand-cranked laptop.
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U2 frontman announces business-minded charity initiative in Switzerland
Runtime: 01:31
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H&R Block puts tax software on USB thumbdrive

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