16 September 2005


file it under: “pretty damned cool”
a responsive light wall that ‘reflects’ what you’re wearing by changing colors. not only is this fun, but the ambient lighting is beautiful on its own.

file it under: “things i want”
the mio a701 quad-band phone is now a most coveted possession for me. why is there still no ‘official’ website for this baby?
a ‘skyn’ for my lappy, hell any lappy, would be the bees knees.
a purse with interior led lighting.

file it under: “things i don’t understand but probably should”
ruby on rails
ajaxx <-- poorly-researched link

although not nearly as sexy (or expensive) as philip’s tv mirror*, hasbro’s child-friendly projector seems like i’d be super fun at parties. hoop it up to a vodafone wireless router, add a roaming digital camera and your party is on fire.
*”… mirror tv in essence is an lcd display integrated into a mirror, which means that you could surf tv channels, the internet or even view your blood pressure while brushing your teeth or styling you hair, or just admire your reflection…”

google is forced to break down the search engine process cause some kids are poopy about the results of queries like “utter miserable failure” (my words *cough*).

world jump day: what ever happened to the “global pencil drop” day i remember hearing about in high school? btw, i signed up. :: sigh ::

i love stuff like this. a web-based pellet gun aimed at a lappy. brilliant. i love the direction this is headed in. no, seriously. i do. i’m not kidding.

global warming hits the forum of dig.com. what i most appreciate about this is the feedback/comments. and there are a few good comments. one citing this article, and another, this one.
“…they believe global warming is melting arctic ice so rapidly that the region is beginning to absorb more heat from the sun, causing the ice to melt still further and so reinforcing a vicious cycle of melting and heating…the greatest fear is that the arctic has reached a "tipping point" beyond which nothing can reverse the continual loss of sea ice and with it the massive land glaciers of greenland, which will raise sea levels dramatically…”

i put super lappy up on ebay just to see what happens. i’m ideally gunning for a powerbook. if it sells, it sells. it’s only $5 to post.

i’ve added the complete calvin and hobbes to my wish list. in doing so, i came across hamster huey and the gooey cablooie. i had no clue this was a real book. added that one too then.

for completeness, all of the original "calvin and hobbes" collections released in the u.s. are here listed:
1. 'calvin and hobbes'
2. 'something under the bed is drooling'
3. 'yukon ho!'
4. 'weirdos from another planet!'
5. 'the revenge of the baby-sat'
6. 'scientific progress goes 'boink': a calvin and hobbes collection'
7. 'attack of the deranged mutant killer monster snow goons'
8. 'the days are just packed: a calvin and hobbes collection'
9. 'homicidal psycho jungle cat: a calvin and hobbes collection'
10. 'there's treasure everywhere--a calvin and hobbes collection'
11. 'it's a magical world: a calvin and hobbes collection'

additionally, three paperback books were published in the u.k. in 1992:

1. 'calvin and hobbes thereby hangs a tale' - the very first calvin and hobbes,
2. 'calvin and hobbes one day the wind will change'
3. 'calvin and hobbes in the shadow of the night'

andy should have downloaded this already: the ipod bartender.

i neither follow sports nor office politics nor athletic gear. having said that, these reebok commercials had me in tears. clicking the first link will do just fine if you’re feeling lazy.

microsoft’s gadget site is pretty cool. i think the ui is a bit tame, but hey. i’ve yet to explore the “build your own gadget” link, but it intrigues and scares me all at the same time.

zdnet’s blog touches on the windows 12 (vista/longhorn) interface and all i can say is “oooooo….prety.” yeah, i want it now too. zdnet blog also has a nice piece on the user interface of today’s windows. mad to i love modern art. my last zdnet blog/microsoft cross reference covers geekdom: bill gates v napoleon dynamite.

things i’ll probably want to know how to do some day:
how to assign a domain name to your home web server
how to embed a wifi finder in your backpack strap

the internet chain

don’t know what prompted it, but i was thinking about thespark.com the other day – remembering how they’d claimed “you know you’ve got something successful when someone does a porn parody” and launched a little contest to see who could come up with what. i’d entered my idea for thespank.com where you spank bad people/celebrities via flash application. never even got a mention. anyhow, the memory was enough to make me head over and see what those chaps are up to these days.

this surf reminded me of…

waferbaby.com – the first ‘blog’ i ever remember reading on a regular basis. he’s a designer, so his site’s down quite often for remodeling and such – enough so that i lose touch with it every year or so. once i found an old buddy by way of the random profile link.

this surf reminded me of…

makeoutclub.com – originally a site set up to help local bands fill open spots, it’s not what the url would have you think. my first housemate in san diego turned me on to it and we ended up making pals with the same fella who we’d met through this site, and neither of us knew until it was too funny to giggle about.

this surf reminded me of…

when i used to keep a blog at livejournal.com – my first real effort at blogging regularly. this is where i met esteban, my best pal. in this blog, i wrote such gems as “a wolf in geek’s clothing”and “mirabile’s winkie review,” and captured a sample of the passionate chat of that personal zeitgeist.

12 September 2005

linkdom 12 september 2005

hunter thompson left a note.

merman spotted in the caspian sea. i told you so.

using chili peppers to curb drug abusers
"the biggest benefit, though, will be to society as a whole, because pain medicine abuse now is such a massive epidemic." good enough for me.

this is huge. the vatican addresses evolution.
“…in other words, the pope could live with evolution, so long as the process of “ensouling” humans was left to god.  (he also insisted on a role for adam, whom he believed committed a sin— mysteriously passed along through the “doctrine of original sin”—that has affected all subsequent generations.) pius xii cautioned, however, that he considered the jury still out on the question of evolution’s validity.  it should not be accepted, without more evidence, “as though it were a certain proven doctrine.”  (roa, 81)…”

people get angry over the recent patent granted to microsoft for inventing the “double-click.” ms also appears to be claiming invention of what we now know as the gui. this is also argued.
“you have to understand how patents work”
9/9/2005 8:51:03 pm posted by e-shy
they probably applied a long time ago. they did "invent" the double click, the rest oss used one-click at the time. they also invented the context-menu (which now exist in the mac as well). apple did sue microsoft on the gui and mouse issue and lost because it was xerox parc's invention, that story was the old silicon valley story of not caring what you got (same as cisco, 3com, yahoo, google and other companies[sic]). the folks at xerox didn't understand what it was and gave it away despite objections by the developers.

wired online interviews jon stewart and ben karlin (daily show producer) regarding their takes on the future of broadcast/network/cable/online television.

“responsibility, taking action and owning up” reference #2:
paypal freezes out katrina aid from wired news online.
"you've got to find a balance between assuming everyone is guilty and treating your customers with respect," he said.

pentagon revises pre-emptive nuclear strikes
is this scary?

flame wars for “grown-ups”

epson’s mini led projector makes news again (still?). it seems toshiba has one too.

a bluetooth device that turns your cell phone into a voip system when coupled with your lappy. here’s one at ubergizmo.

sim card back up keychain. i hate having to re-enter all those numbers. ooo! and it’s got a clock!

an online php how-to book

the history of google

top ten things you can do to get blogged

a new spin on paper: exbiblio [pdf] which is not to be confused with philips’ rollable display. more from polymervision.com (the developer?)

form agreeing with function: blue vertigo mint

incase you’re bored: hack a day

pfizer nearly debunks the whole “big pharmaceutical co = bad” theory by lending a hand in the hurricane katrina recovery effort. pfizer, i salute you.

newly added to my list of rss blogs:
ftrain.com: the website of paul ford and his pseudonyms. why?
flow | state: ui design craft. why?

neat little bit about the technology behind corpse bride. also includes some blurbs from tim burton worth taking in.

windows vista editions released
winging and whining abounds. you can test drive vista here, read a bit of propaganda here and complain about it here and here. read zdnet’s blog about it all here.

“responsibility, taking action and owning up” reference #1:
microsoft's army of lawyers was no match for a kid from kent state.
by denise grollmus
originally published by cleveland scene 2005-03-30
i’m not huge on suing anyone for anything, even though i’d love some revenge now and then. however, this kid made good and i commend him on his diligence and intelligence.

more for my css library: css hack

jason kottke writes a neat little blurb about mobile phone usage here. this got me thinking about what i use my phone for (in order of importance):
1. time
2. web based phone listings
3. movie listings and such
4. web browsing/info searching
5. news (rss feeds)
6. phone calls
7. sms
8. photo records of things i see/need/want

i do not want:
1. music
2. email
3. gaming
4. fancy pants ring tones

people id like to...

amelia’s list of people she’d like to….
…have dinner with:
     russell crowe
     steve buschemi
     jean renau
     george clooney     
…meet out in a bar and end up drinking and chatting all night and well in to the next day:
     jon stewart
     hal sparks
     sara silverman
     amanda peet
…shake hands with and thank for all the good times:
     dwyane “the rock” johnson
     luc besson

weekend movies

i sure hope this still from superman returns is not indication of the chemistry to be found in the film. although i love it when a “no-name” gets cast in a leading role of a blockbuster and ends up turning in to a harrison ford, who the hey is this goober? he seems to have all the presence of a superman cut-out displaying the director’s cut dvd in blockbuster.

i was fairly excited to see transporter 2. well not so much excited to see transporter 2(chud) as i was to see more of what i saw in transporter. total let down – especially since i saw it as a ‘palatte cleanser’ for the exorcism of emily rose. the exorcism of emily rose was so aweseome and not so scary as to freak my shit and make me see/hear/sense stuff that wasn’t there - however, i was woken up by some mysterious knock at 2.46 this morning. if you’ve seen emily rose, you know what that could mean. as a final note on the film, jennifer carpenter (emily rose) did such an amazing job. i hope she gets some recognition for her work on this.

anyhow, so yeah, transporter 2 was a huge disappointment. i knew, going in to the movie, it was not even going to be an italian job. my faith in luc besson and jason statham would not be deterred and i banked on at least being entertained. i’m convinced the undoing of this movie is the sole fault of louis lettrier. damn him. damn him to hell.

one movie i am going to bank on is waiting. i’ve a celebrity crush on ryan reynolds. one that went to seed with van wilder and was cemented with last years comedic sleeper, blade trinity.

we saw the trailer for doom before both emily rose and transporter 2. damn. an fps movie? i’m going to barf – and for more than one reason. fps makes me blow chunks. the story, as portrayed in the trailer, is also going to make me hurl. i don’t think even the cinematic genius of the rock will save this thing.

in addition to the aptly named “doom(ed)”, the aeon flux trailer ran before transporter 2. now, i used to watch aeon flux on liquid television and loved loved loved it. loved the love/hate relationship between aeon and trevor. loved the look of it all and was sometimes shocked by aeon’s *cough* clothing. andy said it best: “it looks like a sci-fi movie of the week.” :: sigh :: i’m still going to see it and i’m going to be more entertained than i was at transporter 2. the trailer looks so cheap and budgeted and ungh. damn. what a sad thing.

sex and violence in mmorpgs

Sex and the Archetypical Female Gamer
…in which Geekwoman coins the term “game-rape” as “when a character deliberately enters another character's space. This gives a visual depiction of mimicking a sexual act. In some games two characters can actually occupy the same spot, and even walk through each other. This gives creeps a chance to follow female characters around and sexually harass them.”

Andy and I have been talking more and more about the foul language and fouler behavior we’ve come across playing world of warcraft. Andy tends to do more high-lelve instance raids than I, and in doing so, uses teamspeak for more efficient in-game communication. Through this use, he is exposed to 12-35 year olds calling other players pussies, fags, fucks and the like.

We’ve recently switched from sleepless knights to blood of the innocent because I had conflicts with sk leadership and because andy really likes boti – plus bruins and felica are in boti and we love them to pieces. Anyhow, the misogynistic, homo-hate talk that comes through on guild chat is amazing. Is this abuse? Does reading the chat of one player going in to detail about how another player likes to ‘take it in the butt’ do damage to my spirit/pshyche/etc?

Back when and and I’d first started the game, my character was being followed and harrased by another player. This player continued to perform seemingly sexual acts on or near my character. Andy immediately logged his higher level toon and hunted this guy down wanting to duel him. A noble gesture, but the bastard simply logged off.

In world of warcraft a player can type “/me waves goodbye to everyone” and the game will translate that into “Sally waves goodbye to everyone” in a font and color that looks like an actual game emote. A player can also type “/me shoves his dick in Sally’s throat” which is exactly what I encountered while leveling my cooking in an inn the other day. A player hassled me in this way, with assorted lewd emotes for my entire time in the inn. I of course ignored the cunt and kept to my work. Clearly it bothers me to this day.

What can be done about this kind of conduct? Should anything be done at all? Where do you draw the line between what is kids learning about life and what’s plain wrong? How lame would it be to have a guild where you spoke respectfully and decently to your fellow player?

So I want to start a new cult guild called the elitist ninjas. Simply to let others talk all they want and let us respectful, decent folk take down onyxia on our own terms.

07 September 2005

but what about you?

okay so

gramma linda was missing (she lives in the french quarter), but she’s turned up and is headed to rachel’s place by way of jersey.

the maxilliofacial nightmare only took 45 minutes last wednesday, thanks to the skilled mitts of dr. milder. i know have four bloody, very painful sockets where there were at one time a decayed, impacted wisdom tooth, a twice root-canaled molar, a deformed molar with a spike growing out of its crown and a “micro-dent” of an upper wisdom tooth.

too bad i went with the general anaesthesia (my first time) because i didn’t have the wits to ask to keep the two deformed ones. how cool, eh?

follow-up appointment is tomorrow @ 4 and i’m out of vic. moved to solid foods yesterday by way of domino’s steak pizza.

we’d originally ordered deep-dish, but got a call back stating “we’re out of deep-dish. is hand-tossed okay?” after suppressing giggles, we consented. the domino’s pizza guy shows up just as my team gets jumped by nek’rosh – going on about how my name isn’t on the call box out front.

we get the yummie smelling pie out only to discover that, contrary to our specific instructions, the ‘za’s covered in mushrooms (yay! more for me!). i pick out the fungus and andy chokes down two slices.

around 12.00pm all the ammoxicilin starts kicking the shit out of my belly and i’m on the pot and in pain. unhappy, can’t sleep and dreading work in the morning, i was distracted for 120 minutes by the life and death of peter sellers. good stuff really.

my hunt for a girly doctor may actually be over. julie and jonna sent some info my way. now if only they’d answer their phones….

linkdom 07 september 2005

ten css tricks you may not know
ten more css tricks you may not know
css and designing tables

mac n jeez
trends in mac apps
tiger secrets: system settings
how-to: upgrade the processor on an older macintosh g4

alex: sony's latest hd projectors: the vpl-vw100 hd sxrd and vpl-hs60

the coolest custom lcd panels on the planet. hannspree.

thg: logitech’s new wireless thx system
“…logitech claims that its z-5450 system is first to have received to have received thx 5.1 certification for its wireless rear speakers. the package eliminates the need to wire audio cable through a room, under carpets or behind walls, as it uses wireless signals to transmit audio. each of the rear speakers can be placed anywhere within 28 feet of the speaker system control center…”

looking like a weird egg-shaped thingamajic, the oculas is definitely not a toy for the average joe. with harman + kardon roots behind it, the oculas’ main function is to provide its ‘passenger’ the best private entertainment experience possible. it features 5.1 surround sound that’s a must in any media nowadays, and with an integrated mac, pc, xbox and ps2 within the shell (according to the brochure), you will be hard pressed to stay bored. crisp, flat screen technology tops off this sensual delight of the eyes and ears.

turing test

google improves mobile phone searching. thank fucking god

broadband speed test for cable, dsl and modem

scientists in germany have created a material that is harder than diamond.
26 august 2005
“…the group created the adnrs by compressing the carbon-60 molecules to 20 gpa, which is nearly 200,000 times atmospheric pressure, while simultaneously heating to 2500 kelvin…”
nano material harder than diamonds
18:18 30 august 2005  will knight

liquid drops takes big nano step
by jonathan amos bbc news science reporter, dublin
“…it may not sound like much but the molecular engineering that went into this feat is said to be a step forward in the emerging area of nanotechnology. the trick is in tiny "machines" about a millionth of a millimetre in size that coat the surface and propel the drop…”

is world of warcraft good or bad for the gaming industry?
ny times
by seth schiesel
published: september 6, 2005
“..worldwide, about the only subscriber-based multiplayer online games that can compare to world of warcraft are lineage and lineage ii, from ncsoft. each game claims about 1.8 million subscribers, but in both cases the vast majority of players are in south korea, where internet gaming has become practically a national pastime…”
cnn money
by chris morris
september 1, 2005: 12:55 pm edt

make friends and kill people
september 3, 2005
by: aaron mckenna
“…it's not just about dropping in and killing, anymore. online video gaming has less to do with the games these days than about the social experience. so if you haven't already, find your clan and discover a new universe lurking within your favorite action game…”

world of warcraft subscribers reach 4 million
“…1 million active accounts in north america alone…”

jason kottke hacks popcorn in…
popcorn hacks
published: on wednesday, 07 september 2005 08:21:19
if you've got a bag of orville redenbacher's butter microwave popcorn on hand but no microwave, there's no need to panic. just tear open the bag and pour the kernels into a large pot. put over medium heat. the kernels will be in a big clump of congealed butter-like substance...break them apart with a wooden spoon as the pot heats up and the "butter" starts to melt.
when the "butter" is melted, stir the kernels around with the spoon so they don't burn. at this point, you may want to don some protective eyewear so that when the first kernels pop, you don't get hot butter-like liquid in your eye; i just put on my sunglasses. when the first kernels pop, cover the pot and shake it across the burner so the kernels don't burn. stop periodically to listen for pops and to exclaim, "i can't believe this is actually working!" when popping stops, quickly remove from the heat, and get it out of that hot pot into a bowl. eat. as good as microwaved.

mcsweeny’s lists strikes again
things hagrid the half-giant would say if he served jesus instead of harry potter
by hart seely

my cat abraham lincoln
by paul ford and paul ford
“…he has poked his head into a small brown paper bag, gotten it stuck, and run across the room like a brain-damaged unicorn, smashing into chair legs and trash cans. i just watched, in paradise, until finally he sat on his haunches with his head still encased in the bag, waiting for fate to deliver him, or kill him—he'd made his peace…”

evangelical scientists refute gravity with new “intelligent falling” theory
the onion august 17, 2005 | issue 41•33
"…things fall not because they are acted upon by some gravitational force, but because a higher intelligence, 'god' if you will, is pushing them down…"

<!-- from 06september but never published -->
samsung to play safe with dual hd dvd/blu-ray rig
by tony smith
published tuesday 6th september 2005 15:09 gmt

samsung unveils 'world first' laptop with detachable screen
monday 5th september 2005
the launch of the m70 follows last month's revelation that samsung will be saying goodbye next year to its only contract notebook client, dell, forcing the company to focus on marketing its own-brand notebooks. sources have said that samsung's next aim is to become a world leader in the ultralight notebooks segment.

scientists baffled by changes in saturn's rings
by alicia chang, ap science writer
monday, september 5, 2005
among the most surprising findings is that parts of saturn's innermost ring — the d ring — have grown dimmer since the voyager spacecraft flew by the planet in 1981. a piece of the d ring also has shifted, moving 125 miles inward toward saturn.

a history of the photoshop ui

diy fps games

ipod nano
is this for real?

osx86 project guides hidden from apple
submitted by akia 1 day 23 hours ago (via http://wiki.osx86project.org/w...)
a while back, apple issued an order to have all the guides removed. the osx86 project team did removed the links and the guides section on the menu. however they never really removed the guides. "enjoy" them while you can

free portable windows freeware

adding the red cross
posted sep 4, 2005, 8:45 pm et by brian alvey
you can add the same buttons to your own site. we added a simple javascript document.write to the end of every one of our pages:<script type="text/javascript"><!--document.write('<div style="position: absolute; left: 100%; top: 0px; overflow: visible; height: 120px; width: 120px; margin: 0 0 0 -120px; padding: 0; z-index: 9999; border: none; float: none;"><img src="http://www.weblogsinc.com/common/media/red-cross.gif" width="120" height="120" border="0" usemap="#rc"></div><map name="rc"><area shape="poly" coords="0,0,120,0,120,120" href="http://www.redcross.org/"></map>');// --></script>you can add the same thing to your site, just download the image you want, upload it to your site (we block most image hotlinking) and change the path for the image source.
