16 April 2007

16 april 2007

Monday April 16, 2007
The Top 8 Techie Movies of the 1980s
As we celebrate our 25th anniversary over at PC Magazine, and pull together the best of the last two-and-a-half decades in technology, computing, and electronics innovations, it got me thinking that the '80s were not only a groundbreaking decade for personal technology. Like any great lifestyle shift, the dawn of PCs and video games, and the flood of home electronics, was reflected on the big screen. Scheming high school hackers, video game wizzes, and futuristic robots became staple characters and paved the way for countless tech-themed travesties (ahem, The Net) and cultural benchmarks (The Matrix) in the decade-and-a-half that have followed. So, fellow movie and techie geeks, I give you the Top 8 Techie Movies of the 1980s:
1. War Games (1983)
2. Tron (1982)
3. The Terminator (1984)
4. RoboCop (1987)
5. Weird Science (1985)
6. Superman III (1987)
7. The Wizard (1989)
8. Back to the Future (1985)

Clever title award:
Politico Lead Story Fails to Improve on 'Lorem Ipsum' Placeholder Text

Bill Watterson answers 15 reader questions

Why you should be using HTML 4.01 instead of XHTML
90% of People Believe Personal Finance Should a Required Part of School


101 Essential Freelancing Resources

MacGyver Tip: Clean the dishwasher with Kool-Aid
Forget fancy cleansers: Real Simple magazine says you can avoid dishwasher lime deposits and iron stains with a package of Kool-Aid:
Pour a packet of lemonade Kool-Aid (the only flavor that works) into the detergent cup and run the dishwasher while empty... The citric acid in the mix wipes out stains, so you don't have to.
Remember, lemonade only - the red stuff could be a disaster. — Gina Trapani

Obama Returns Donations After Discovering They Were From Lobbyist
Friday, April 13, 2007, 4:17:10 PM
Democratic Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign has returned more than $50,000 in political contributions after discovering the donors were lobbyists. Obama, who has pledged to change the ways of Washington, has repeatedly said he will not accept money from lobbyists or from special interests political action committees.

Top Conservatives Demand Bush Fire Gonzales
Today, April 16, 2007, 3 hours ago ADAM ZAGORIN
In what could prove an embarrassing new setback for embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on the eve of his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, a group of influential conservatives and longtime Bush supporters has written a letter to the White House to call for his resignation.

Smoking and Caffeine May Protect Against Parkinson's Disease[Duke University]

Merrill Lynch: buy on Apple weakness
Friday, April 13, 2007, 10:45:00 AM
Research analyst Richard Farmer of Merrill Lynch is urging investors to purchase Apple shares while the price remains low as a result of yesterday's announcement that the Cupertino-based company would delay its release of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard until October in order to devote more resources to its iPhone. "We recommend investors use the current sto...

Aluminium USB Casing (DIY)

Bookmark Bliss: 75 Free Font Resources

The Samsung and Intel PC design winner: the Egg

Q: Are there any societies where homosexuality is predominant?
A: Ah, this brings us to my favorite cultural sexual oddity, which occurs in Sambia, New Guinea. In the Sambia tribe, as early as age 7, young boys are expected to “suck the penis of a mature boy every night and swallow the sperm" (I'd make a joke if I wasn't terrified). Boys who refuse are forever treated as children within the context of their community, because “without regular ingestion of male seed, the Sambia believe, boys will never grow up into strong, mature men.” At the age of 15, the boys are considered mature enough to provide their own genitals for the younger boys to felicitate. Performing fellatio on a younger boy is strictly forbidden; as it is considered stealing his manhood because it results in a loss of semen from the growing boy (makes me wonder if they replace their “Got Milk?” ads with the tagline “Got cum?” No? Awww shucks). As soon as the boys marry, they cease to engage in homosexual contact, but often times, since they are so estranged from female sexuality and coitus, they ask their new brides to wear a bag over her head and fellate them on their wedding night. Interestingly, according to Loving Boys Vol. 1 (haha, cum again?), “After 10 to 15 years of exclusive homosexual activity carried on by 100 % of the Sambia population, the incidence of adult homosexual orientation is only 5 % - exactly the same as in Western society.” So...short answer, yes, long answer, no. Source: Brongersma E: Loving Boys Vol. 1. Elmhurst. New York.: Global Academic Publishers, 1986. Source: Crooks, Robert L. & Baur, Karla (2004) Our Sexuality 9th edition. Wadsworth Publishing Company, 276.

Al Jazeera English Hits YouTube

Tell us something we didn't already know: According to a new survey, the number of uninformed Americans remains the same despite ever increasing news sources, however, those who are informed "were likely to be viewers of" fake news shows like Jon Stewart's Daily Show, and Stephen Colbert's Colbert Report. Meanwhile, "those who knew the least watched network morning news programs, Fox News or local television news." We swear, we're not faking this stuff up. [NYT]
Stewart, Colbert Viewers Better Informed Than Fox News Viewers
Today, April 16, 2007, 4 hours ago
A new survey of 1,502 adults released Sunday by Pew Research Center for the People & the Press found that despite the mass appeal of the Internet and cable news since a previous poll in 1989, Americans' knowledge of national affairs has slipped a little. For example, only 69% know that Dick Cheney is vice president, while 74% could identify Dan Quayle in that post in 1989.

In child-arrest case, the adults are the ones out of control

Global warming threatens U.S. security, report says

Are Mobile Phones Wiping Out Bees?

Thanks to Mailplane, Gmail can replace your desktop email client
Mailplane integrates your Gmail account with a handful of applications including iPhoto, Firefox, Safari, and Address Book among others acting as your default email solution. Rest at ease knowing that your desktop email client + POP3 account is no longer a requirement for enjoying a seamless email experience on OS X.

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