24 August 2005

google talk:: yay! i love the google method. gmail is great. now i've just got to figure out what to do with...
Blogger's MS Word plugin:: not that i'd use it (?@#$%?). or even care
Google Print Library:: man, those guys are busy little bees
it seems my obsession with wow has ended. now it's back to the drawing board. literally. got to bring back the old drawing skills.
Dallas scholars and nanotech:: The sheets can collect solar energy, and do so when bent or creased
learning typography and autoCAD? sometimes i wear myself out just planning my day. sheesh.
Scientists Create New Human Embryonic Stem Cell:: from reuters
How To Meet Women Playing Warcraft:: i believe this is when it starts getting offically scary.
hrm...$14/hr gross? yeah, maybe i should dust of my CV. /sigh
sleepless knights:: see what i mean?
did a few quick images for our pals over at EW too. not too bad, if i may say so myself.
ms access:: learning so much and building more efficient databases for clients
rss bandit:: i'm finding better ways to act spongier
NED:: some day this will look cool

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